Monday, November 14, 2005

I'm a real boy

I believe they were Pinocchio's immortal words (excuse the pun), temporarily released from his wooden body to walk the world as flesh and blood, before returning to his former wooden state (well atleast that's how it happened in Shrek 2).

Back at work inside of 15 hours from arriving in the state, how crazy am I??

Had a small BBQ with a few of the boys and girls last night. So good to see friends again and have a few beers and some fine wine (not that the wine was fine, but that sounded good).

Thanks heaps to mum and dad for picking me up from the airport and running around everywhere for me - you guys rock.

Thanks to Tim and Ness for looking after my house for 3 months - you guys rock!

Thanks to all you for following my journey across the globe, some of you for making comments on this blog, others for the emails you sent. To the rest of you that didn't write at all... well shame on you, where was your support???

Hmmmph - work. Well, after I take the next week to wade through the 1100 odd emails I might try and get back into some sort of routine... maybe with a bit of luck I can stretch that a little longer, ... like April 2008!!!



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