Saturday, October 01, 2005

Alt.Total.Loser @ Oktoberfest

Ohh dear.... so here's the down low on the whole situation.

For those of you that got frantic sms's or calls you will have an idea, and even if you read the previous post, but here is the full story.

Tuesday morning, Richard arrives in Munich but can't check into his hotel because it like 8am and way too early. So he leaves his rucksack in the hotel luggage room and takes the daypack with him - naturally this contains all important things like passport, tickets, oakleys, MP3 player, mobile phone, guide books, jacket.... you know all the essentials that you DON'T want to get stolen so you keep it with you.

On and empty stomach at 10am Richard partakes in his first stein at Oktoberfest, Lowenbrau - YUM. As he was sitting there a pack of Aussies ambled in about 11 and he invited them to join... always nice to have the familiar aussie oka accent when one is by themselves. So by 2pm we'd had 3 steins and an awesome pretzel the size of a basketball. Time for Richard to go check into his Hotel. Enter Paulaner stein glass into daypack and exit building. Souvenir #1 for Oktoberfest.

So Richard checks into his hotel, dumps the souvenir and heads back to the party with daypack in tow (you know, just incase another souvenir might fall into it). Several steins and half a roasted chicken later, the pissoir stops are coming quite often. As had been the practice all day Richard was leaving his bag with the aussie guys - it was alot easier to navigate through the throngs of people without a backpack on.

All of a sudden Richard notices that his bag is missing, but due to the turn over of people at the table it wasn't as obvious that the aussie crew entrusted with the bag were also missing - it was still the same table full of friendly faces. After several hours of searching frantically for the bag and several trips to lost property, the tent was closed at 11pm. Richard quite hysterical now went to the police and reported the bag stolen, also rang Visa and cancelled the credit card. Well there wasn't much more our lost traveller could do until lost property opened at 12:30 the next day so he went back to the hotel for some sleep.

Waking up sober, the truth set in and our traveller was really annoyed with himself more than anything. Discussing the issue with the hotel staff they couldn't believe how calm Richard was, but he just replied "Well what can I do to change it?".

After going back to the police station to ammend the list of stolen objects Richard realised that his bag contained several thousands of dollars worth or gear... kind of a silly thing to take to a massive beer tent full or drunkards! Luckily our not so seasoned traveller still has his wallet and camera in his pockets - so that was €20, a drivers license and the last few days of photos (the rest were in the stolen bag) So he finds a phone and calls home, his parents jump immediately to his assistance by contacting the issurance, Telstra... the works.

Meanwhile the beaten man sauntered into the closest Internet cafe to check his email and try to contact his friend Craig that he was to be meeting that night (with no phone that was going to be hard). There were a couple of the Aussie guys there and when Richard told his story they were very empathetic, but what could they do to help??? They had been ejected from the tent earlier in the night for being just a bit too drunk - bit of an acomplishment if you have seen the antics they allow at Oktoberfest before kicking you out. (This was lucky event number one for the day - actually crossing paths with these guys)

Lucky event number 2 occured about 10 minutes later when one of the guys came over, "Have I got some good news for you". One of the other Aussie guys had just texted him asing how he could get in contact with the Tassie guy because he had his backpack.

"OHHH MY GOD", Richard exclaimed as he almost jumped across the room to hug the poor messenger. Richard immediately rang the bag possessors and worked out where they were staying and then legged-it to the S-Bahn (subway) to retrieve his long lost bag. EVERYTHING was still there, naturally, as a travelling Aussie always instinctively watches anothers back.


The saga was all but over, the only outstanding issue was the cancelled Visa card, but after a days worth of phone calls between ANZ and Visa, an emergency card was on it's way to Munich. Unfortunately the star goose of this story was leaving for Prague on the Thursday night train (with no address in Prague) and the card would not arrive till Friday. Luckily the staff at the hotel agreed to sign for the card and our learnered traveller would be able to collect it on Monday morning on his way back through Munich. Another stroke of luck was the fortunate meeting with his good Contiki-roasted friend Craig, who loaned him enough cash to see him through the Prague trip and back to his card on Monday.

Hooray for sanity, soberness and such good friends!!

Footnote: The names in this story have not been changed to protect the innocent as each person deserves the recognition they get for parts played.
Richard: the man that learns lessons the almost-too-hard-way
Craig: The cash-knight in shining armour
The Aussie crew: Sainted protectors of documents
The messenger: A dove of peace in the confusion
The beer: the destructive tool of Satan, but we love it none the less for it's part in this story!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Youdy- I love ya', but OH MI GOOOSSSH!! You are the biggest goose I KNOW! All I can say, is HOORAY for Aussies, the greatest people on earth, and BEER is EVIL. M.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

mate, the worst experiences are always the best stories, and that my friend is a GOLDEN story!!
you are indeed the man, wish I was there in combat with you my friend, sounds like those beer tents aren't for the faint hearted or the 'weak of bladder'
tell me what tinge of brown were your pants by the end of this episode?
you know a Dr. Evil quote will usually save you from most unfortunate situations but this one IS the exception.
so when you get home I'm assuming the first thing you do is going to be one of the below 3:
1.have a pull
2.setup your own Oktoberfest in the backyard (yes I'll be there)
3.change your pants - they'll be rotten by then......

time for an update from Tassi:

keep crusin, boosin & loosin my man - PARY HARD


Blogger Yoda said...

Awwww, you guys are just so sweet..


Blogger The Gazelle said...

Dude... legedary effort, good to see you're ok regardless of the crazyness that ensued on that beer infested evening... I guess you at least have your health (no violent muggings, etc...).

Party hard... good advice, and what better place to do it :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was my first visit to your stie and I must say you really are a prize fool. I cannot remember the last time I luaghed so hard at someone else's stupidity...that being said I am sure I would have done something equally as idiotic.

Glad you are enjoying it

Blogger Beccles said...

Aawww Moi Gaawwwwd toooolah!!!

LMAO!!! You're a weirdo!

Good to see you're still alive and having fun! How many 'souvenir's' did you end up with???

Blogger Yoda said...

Ohhh dear, it´s reallzy quite funny looking back on it now... although it really could have been awful.

Bec: I have 2 steins, although nearly had three, ahh well - you can´t blame a guy for trying!!

Leash: Almost messaged you the other night, but was so tired I think I fell asleep before realising it.. ahh well - sure you´ll survive!!

Rich: Well I am not planning on staying in London the entire 3 weeks, we´ll see what happens!!

Everyone.... get stuffed!! You should be here with me coz this is where the party´s at!!! LOVIN´IT

Blogger Yoda said...

Ohh yeah, and Shell, love you too!!


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