Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Movie quote #005

OK - this ones a cult classic. Two separate quotes, relevant names have been omitted to avoid completely giving it away. Wanted to remove the final two words but they really make the quote (even though it's a dead give away)

J: Where's the money, Lxxx?
L: Jxxx, the money is gone.
J: I know it's GONE, where's it gone to?
L: Atlantic City.
J: Atlantic City? Is it coming BACK from Atlantic City?
L: I... I don't think so.
J: What's it DOING in Atlantic City?
L: Recirculating.

L: Mitchell's the man Jxxxx.
J: And the man calls all the shots.
L: Damn the man.
J: Let me explain it to you. Mitchell's the man. I'm the idiot. You're the screw-up. And we're all losers. Welcome to music town.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy as pie champ....

Lucas and Joe from Empire Records

"oh rexie...you're soo sexy" !

Blogger Yoda said...

Bloody anonymous comments.... you guys suck!

Correct though!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, thought the 'champ' was enough of a giveaway....it's mishbella. ;o)

Blogger Yoda said...

noice one shell-bell


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